Theories on Bible Prophecy

  1. Babylon DC

  2. Daniel Chapter Seven

    Babylon D.C. ?  

                Comparison of Washington and Mystery Babylon

Mystery Babylon: posted, 1/2/24

Mystery Babylon- symbolized by a woman sitting on a scarlet-colored beast. Revelation 17:5 reads “And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” Who is this Mystery Babylon?

The original city of Babylon was located in what is now Iraq. Babylon in the Greek means gate of god.  In the 5th And 6th century’s the Babylonian Empire was the major world power. Under the leadership of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonians acquired a vast amount of territory through military action. Included in this was the taking of Judea and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. God repeatedly warned Israel through His Word and prophets that this would result if they did not turn from their sinful ways. Israel mistook Gods longsuffering for tolerance. They were wrong and most of them were ether killed or led into captivity.  

The rebuilding of the city of Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar had resulted in the most beautiful and modern cities of the time. Within the city walls was an agricultural area fed by a series of irrigation canals. There was the temple of Marduk, thought to have been built on the foundation of the tower of Babel. The king’s palace and many other lavish buildings and temples were built by Nebuchadnezzar including the famous hanging gardens, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The city was surrounded by double walled fortifications; the outer wall wide enough for two chariots to race, and thought to be over 40 feet tall, some accounts at over 300 feet tall. The city was considered impregnable.

The fall of Babylon is recorded in Daniel chapters 4 and 5. In chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar being full of pride credited himself for the greatness of the city and the kingdom. For this he was made to go insane and thought himself an animal. After seven times passed God returned to him his understanding. Nebuchadnezzar realized it is God that gives dominion and authority, and it was God that put him in his position as king. Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar did not learn this lesson. Trusting in the security of the city he held a party while the Persian army was camped outside the city walls. While drinking wine he ordered the vessels that were taken from the temple at Jerusalem to be used. These vessels were consecrated to the service of the Lord. Belshazzar and his guests drank wine and praised the gods of gold and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood and of stone out of these vessels.  For this God required his life and the city fell that night to the Medo- Persian army. Belshazzar trusted in his defenses, and in his pride over the God of Israel ordered the sacred vessels to be used. It was pride that caused the fall of ancient Babylon.

            In Revelation there is a woman that has written on her forehead the words Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots, and of the abominations of the earth. Revelation 17:18 tells us that this woman represents a great city which reigns over the kings of the earth. The antichrist will reign in this city. It is a city built on seven mountains for in verse 9 it reads “the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.” The way she sees herself, and the way the world sees her is recorded in chapter 18. In 18:7 it says “She has glorified herself and lived deliciously, she says in her heart, I sit a queen and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” In verse 9 “The ten kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her upon her destruction. In verse 11 the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for they were made rich by her. They describe this great city as being clothed in fine linen, and purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones, and pearls. The shipmasters say “what city is like unto this great city!”

Who is this great city? First let us take a look at who it’s not. It’s not the ancient city of Babylon. Mystery Babylon is a city that sits on seven mountains. The ancient city of Babylon is in ruins, located in the Plain of Shinar.  Babylon ruins does have rugged, flat, and hilly areas with some mounds. Its judgement of destruction is found in Jer 50:39, "Therefore the wild desert beasts shall dwell there with the jackals, And the ostriches shall dwell in it. It shall be inhabited no more forever, Nor shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation. 

  Mystery Babylon is a city close enough to a sea or ocean for the merchants to see her destruction. Rev 18:17-18pt. “all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, 'What is like this great city? (Ancient Babylon is some 300 miles from the Persian Gulf)

Another city long thought to be Mystery Babylon is Rome. This city was known as the city built on seven hills. John, the writer of Revelation knew that, yet he used a form of the Greek word oros meaning a mount or mountain and not the Greek word for hills. This view is so prevalent that many newer translations of the bible will use the word hills in Rev. 17:9. The two separate words for mountains and hills are used together in Luke 3:5 and 23:30. The city Mystery Babylon will sit on seven mounts or mountains at the time the eighth king of revelation 17 rules.

        The book of Revelation implies that Mystery Babylon will control the world’s strongest military power. The antichrist will rule in her and it is said of him in Revelation 13:4 “who is able to make war with him?

        There is a city in the world today that fits in many ways these prophetic descriptions The city is Washington D.C.  “that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones, and pearls.” This is describing a beautiful city set in luxury. Washington D.C. from the very beginning started as a totally planned city. With its fine park system and its notable buildings and monuments, Washington has long been regarded as one of the world’s most beautiful cities.

The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits..Revelation 17:9-10

U.S Survey Map of Washington D.C.

(mounts or mountains with sixty feet or more rise over the surrounding area).

Washington sits on seven mountains

Map of Washington D.C. compared to Ancient Babylon

Map of Washington D.C. (10 miles across N.E.side).

Map of Ancient Babylon. (2.5 miles across long side)

.Both cities having a river along its border.


In Revelation 18:2 an Angel is saying,”

Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” In the statement “is become the habitation of devils” implies that at one time she was not the habitation of devils, but became that way. This country was primarily founded by men who believed and followed Christian principals. They were elected by people, a majority of which followed Christian principles. This was reflected by the lifestyle of the people in such ways as businesses honoring the Lords day and closing on Sundays, prayers in public assemblies and schools being a standard practice. The teaching in public schools that God is our creator. Justice in our courts being swifter, the sanctity of life upheld. Moral values and the commitment to marriage was more a way of life than something to be strived for. Though there were many injustices committed through this time the bible was used as a guide to get us back on track. What has happened? Thess. 2:1 tells us that there will be a falling away first and the man of sin is revealed. This has been happening over the last generation. Pilling our sins on top of one another so that we are now at the point where we are described as “Babylon the great has fallen …for her sins have reached unto heaven.

Rev 9:21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts. NKJV

        And they did not repent. This is after the sixth trumpet judgement befalls the earth. Not repent of their murders? 1.- Who would not be inclined to repent of murder? Evil ones that have no regard that God has made us in His image. (Gen. 9:5), and those who advocate and support the killing of unborn babies. 2.- Their sorceries? This is the Greek word pharmakia where we get our word pharmacy. It is enchantment by the use of drugs. There is currently a widespread endeavor that is succeeding in the legalizing of mind-altering drugs. Add to that the illegal drug use.  3 & 4 sexual immorality and thefts, these are self-evident.


 Jer 51:9- (May well be a dual prophecy of the two Babylons)

 We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed. Forsake her, and let us go everyone to his own country; For her judgment reaches to heaven and is lifted up to the skies.  (The words of a heartbroken Heavenly Father).

Rev 18:4-6 "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. NKJV

 Rev 17:6- I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. NKJV

        Drunk with the blood of the saints? The U.S. traditionally has been a light unto the world. We have sent out more missionaries than any other nation. We’ve sent our men and women, many who gave their lives defending freedom throughout the world in two world wars and many smaller wars. The beast will come to power speaking great things, he will also have the help of the false prophet that helps convince the world to follow the beast.  Jesus warns of false christs and false prophets that show great signs and wonders deceiving, if possible, even the elect.  The woman drunk with the blood of the saints may be describing atrocities during the reign of the beast and the requirement of his mark. By the sixth trumpet of Revelation, with the wars and judgements taking place on earth it will seem likely marshal law will take effect. The beast in Rev 13:7 will be granted to make war with the saints. He will have ten world leaders that are “as kings” join with him and make war with the Lamb. Rev 17:14.

 Rev 16:18-19, (seventh bowl judgment)

and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. NKJV

       The great city was divided into three parts. If that being Mystery Babylon, looking at the map of Washington, notice it is already divided into three sections. This great earthquake will separate them.

Daniel chapter Seven

published January 23, 2024 

         Upon reading chapter seven of Daniel, one will notice that Daniel concludes by saying, “As for me Daniel, my cogitations (thoughts) much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart”. Daniel, who had a God given skill and understanding in interpreting the king’s dream in chapter 2, was troubled by his own vision and this even though the angel of God interpreted the vision to him. In chapters 8:17 and 12:4 Daniel was told that his visions were for the time of the end. We are at that time.

            The general interpretation of Daniel chapter 7 is that the 4 beasts parallel the dream Nebuchadnezzar had in chapter 2. In this dream he dreamed of a great image of a man. This image had a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, the legs of iron, and feet part of iron, part of clay. The interpretation of this dream is given by Daniel and is being   proved by history. The head of gold was Nebuchadnezzar and the kingdom of Babylon. The breast and arms of silver represented Medo-Persia who conquered the Babylonian Empire. The belly and thighs of brass represented the Grecian Empire, who by Alexander the Great conquered the Medo- Persians. The fourth kingdom is the Roman Empire, the legs of iron. And the feet and toes of iron and clay is the final form of this kingdom which will be divided. When the kings of this kingdom reign a stone cut without hands smites the image, and fills the whole earth. This stone is the return of Christ and his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and fills the earth.

            It is generally taught that the four beasts in Daniel 7 represent these same four kingdoms as in the dream of the image in chapter 2. The lion with eagle’s wings being Babylon. The bear representing Medo-Persia. The leopard with four wings being Alexander and the Greek empire, and the fourth beast as Rome. Christ returning when a revived Roman Empire is in power. This interpretation cannot be correct. It is true that Christ will return during a divided form of a fourth kingdom, however it is not possible that the three beasts before it represent the Babylon, Medo-Persian, and Greek kingdoms. The reason it is not possible is found in Daniel 7: 11-12.

"I watched then because of the sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking; I watched till the beast was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame. As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.  NKJV

            The kings of the three kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and the Greek Empire did not have their dominion taken away (or to cause to pass away) with their lives prolonged. Belshazzar, king of Babylon was killed the very night of the takeover, even as written in Daniel chapter 5. (There are reports of Nabonidus, Belshazzar’s father of having his life spared by Cyrus, but it is Belshazzar that Daniel states as being king of Babylon and the Chaldeans. Dan 5:30, 7:1). Cyrus, the ruler of the medo-Persian Empire who took Babylon in 539 BC himself was killed in battle in 530 BC. Darius III who ruled Medo- Persia during the advance of Alexander was killed after Alexander won a decisive victory against the army of Darius in 330 BC. Alexander in taking the Medo- Persian Empire made Babylon his capital city. It was in Babylon where he died in 323 BC from high fever weakened by a drinking bout. His four top generals divided the Greek Empire, even as was prophesied in Daniel chapter 8. None of these kings had there dominion taken away with their lives prolonged. They all died in power. Since the word of God states these kings would have their lives prolonged, it cannot mean the kings of these three kingdoms, and therefore cannot be these kingdoms.       

Therefore, since these three beasts are not the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece than nether is the fourth beast Rome or a revived Roman Empire.

            Daniel himself wished to know the truth about the fourth beast  He was told: the fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, different from all other kingdoms, and this kingdom will be the final kingdom before the return of Jesus when He sets up His kingdom throughout the earth. We are further shown by John that this is not the final form of this kingdom. In Revelation Ch. 13 this beast representing this final kingdom now has seven heads with ten horns. The seven heads represent seven kings (Rev 17:9), but they also represent the time when Satan is cast out of heaven   (Rev 12:7-13).     He indwells the antichrist just as he did Judas when he betrayed Jesus. (Lk. 22:3; Jn 17:2; 2 Th. 2:3; Is. 14:3-21) This beast in Revelation now represents this final world kingdom ruled by the antichrist who is as a Satan incarnate, being depicted with seven heads. It is still the same kingdom and ruler that is destroyed at the coming of the Lord Jesus. (Dan. 7:26; Rev. 19:11). John also tells us something else about the final beast- that he has a mouth of a lion, the feet of a bear, and a body of a leopard. This final beast is a composite of the three beasts before it in Daniel.           

            Another clue in identifying the fourth beast is its horns.  The three beasts before it have no horns. Horns on beasts are represented of kingdoms while Israel is in its land. Daniel was given visions in chapters 7-12 concerning his people Israel where Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream concerning the gentile world history.

            Daniel has a vision in chapter eight of a ram and a goat. The ram had two horns, one higher than the other. The ram was subdued by a goat that started with one horn then after it was broke four horns came up. These represented the Medo-Persian Empire followed by the Grecian Empire.

            These beasts with horns are depicted as kings and kingdoms at a time when Israel was back in there land. This was after the seventy year Babylonian captivity. Rome came after the reign of the little horn, but it’s not depicted in Daniel eight. The first tree beasts of Daniel seven do not have horns. These are kings that reign when Israel is not in the land. (*Historic dates and references of  the following kings are from Internet historic sites and encyclopedia writings.)

          So then, getting back to Daniel chapter seven, the fourth beast is a composite of the beasts before it. The first beast Daniel describes as a lion with eagle’s wings, the wings were plucked off, it was lifted from the earth and made to stand on two feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.

            Richard I, king of England (1189-1199). Richard from a very young age demonstrated great political and military abilities. He became known for his chivalry and courage. Ambitious and self-seeking he with his brothers tried to overthrow his father King Henry II. After the failed revolt he concentrated on putting down internal revolts in the kingdom. Later Richard again went after his father’s troops this time defeating him.  Shortly afterward his father died. Leaving Richard king of England.

            As king he barred all Jews from the crowning ceremony. Being restless he quickly set out on the third Crusade with the goal of delivering Jerusalem from Muslim control. Though he was not victorious in this endeavor he was able to agree to a settlement with Saldin for a three year truce and Christian access and presence in Jerusalem.

            Bad weather shipwrecked Richard near Aquileia in 1192 on his way back to England. Richard disguised himself as a kitchen hand but was captured. He was taken to Henry VI, Holly Roman Emperor and held captive for over a year. England paid part of a huge ransom which included Richard having to surrender his kingdom to Henry VI in which he would then receive it back from the Emperor as a fief. He was released in 1194

            Richard returned to England and forgave his brother from trying to seize the throne from him and even named him as his heir. He was crowned for the second time fearing the independence of his kingship was compromised though he didn’t really rule. Within a month he left again to fight King Philip in Normandy, never to return. He died in 1199 after being by an arrow in his shoulder. When infection set in and death was near he asked to see the man who shot him. Showing mercy and compassion he ordered the man set free and even gave him a sum of money. (After Richards’s death his mercenary captain had the man flayed and hanged.)  Also near his death Richard had great remorse for the way he treated his father, bewailing what he had done and desired to be buried by him.

 Dan 7:4

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings. I watched till its wings were plucked off; and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it.    NKJV

           Richard I King of England; “Like a lion” with his courage and cunning in battle he was given the name Richard the Lionhearted. “and had eagle’s wings” During the ten years of his reign he stayed in England less than six months. Restless, ambitious he spent much of his life in battles, revolts conquering of lands, even as a bird of prey. “I watched till its wings were plucked off” On his return from the Third Crusade he was captured and held prisoner. “and it was lifted up from the earth’ Before his capture he was shipwrecked, lifted up from the earth. “and made to stand on two feet like a man,” After his shipwreck he disguised himself as a kitchen hand and being captured agreed to surrendering his kingdom to the Emperor. “and a man’s heart was given to it” For his courage he was known as the Lionhearted but before his death he showed a heart of remorse, compassion and mercy. “His dominion was taken away”, (altered, departed)   when he was imprisoned and when he surrendered it over to receive it as a fief. Yet his life was prolonged for a season and a time.

Ezekiel 38 confirms England as being represented as a lion,..”the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you,”

           The second beast in Daniel is described as a Bear with three ribs between its teeth. It rose up on one side and was told to devour much flesh.

This second beast is Charles V, King of Spain and holy Roman Emperor. Charles was born in the year 1500. His grandparents on his mother’s side was King Ferdinard and Queen Isabella, (the Isabella that commissioned Columbus).On his father’s side his grandfather was the Holly Roman Emperor Maximilan. Charles father Philip dead when Charles was six, making Charles Duke of Burgundy and placing him next in line to the inheritance of his grandparents. He was declared of age in 1515. A year later King Ferdinard died leaving Charles mother Joana the inheritance of Ferinard and Isabella. Charles ruled for her as she was mentally ill and not competent to rule. Charles became the king of Spain as well as ruling over such territories as Holland, Zealand, Luxembourg, the kingdoms of Naples, Sicily and Sardinia, and the territories in the New World.

The third section of his possessions came in 1519 after the death of his grandfather Maximiliam. Charles inherited the Hapsburg lands that included Austria and Germany. In 1520 Charles assumed the title of Holy Roman Emperor Elect. Ten years later he would be the last Holly Roman Emperor crowned by the pope.

Charles from the time he was of age became involved in many political and religious wars. In 1521 he went to war with Francis I king of France for the mastery of Italy. Charles was victorious and forced Francis to sign a treaty in which he renounced his claims to Italy. When Francis regained his freedom he renounced the treaty and with the help of England and the Papal States came against Charles. Charles again was victorious over France. Charles then hurried back to Spain to put down a revolt. Even though he granted amnesty he signed 270 death warrants.

In the spring of 1521 was held the imperial Diet before which Marten Luther had to defend his thesis at an assembly at Worms. Charles a devoted Catholic rejected Luther’s doctrines and declared war on Protestantism. Charles latter grants some concessions with protestant princes in return for armed support against Turkish Muslims. These Turks were pushing in on Charles Empire and the Christian world. Charles assumed the role of a crusader and revived the old idea of a universal Christian empire (Catholic). For this he was called “Gods standard Bearer”. Wars of Charles against the Muslims took place in Hungry, the Mediterranean, and North Africa and lasted through the years 1529-1545.The Turks were set back however they regained control of the Mediterranean.

As for the Protestants, the rejection of Luther’s doctrines and the branding of Protestants as heretics brought about much opposition to Charles in Germany where many wars soon broke out between Protestants and Catholics. Included in these wars was the Knights war of 1522, the Peasants war of 1524, and in 1547 a war in Milberg were Charles won his greatest victory. This was followed by the Interim of Augsburg which declared there is but one church, of which the pope is chief bishop. These successes were short lived; Charles was unsuccessful in his siege of Metz and ended the war by a treaty in 1552 that secured religious liberty for German Protestants for the first time.

Charles had to abandon his dream of a universal empire. With so many political and religious forces to fight against and the tremendous expense of his military campaigns, Spain was about bankrupt, even with the high taxes of his Empire and the wealth being brought back from the New World.

Charles also failed in health He had long suffered from gout, and now other ailments took his strength. In 1555 at 55 years old he abdicated the throne of Spain to his son Philip, and in 1558 relinquished his possessions in Germany to his brother Ferdinard. Charles died in September 1558.  

 Dan 7:5

5 "And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear. It was raised up on one side, and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. And they said thus to it: 'Arise, devour much flesh!' NKJV

“A second like a bear.” Charles was a husky bearded man who became known as Gods standard bearer.” It was raised up on one side,” Later in life he suffered severe gout and would many times use a cane to get around .This could be described as being raised on one side, but it’s the character he displayed that was also one sided . It was his political ambition that would be his guiding force, his ridged enforcement of religious rites that would bind his Empire. Compassion and liberty would not only be stamped out but looked on as being week. After he heard the defense of Luther, condemned him, and later all Protestants as heretics. Starting his own inquisition he issued decrees of intolerance in support of the Catholic Church than turn around even going to war against the pope. He yielded to the reformation for Germany while thousands of reformers were being executed in the Netherlands.  Even as Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their one sidedness (paying tithes and neglecting justice, mercy and faith) so to describes Charles. “and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth.” A rib was used when God took a rib from the side of Adam and with it made Eve. Eve was made by what she received from Adam. Charles received three sections of inheritances. The first from his father Philip, the second from his grandfather on his mother’s side, Ferdinand II, and the third fell to him after the death of Maximilian his grandfather on his father’s side. These three inheritances are what are represented by the three ribs. These inheritances gave Charles an Empire so great that the sun always shone on a part of it. “And they said thus to it: Arise, devour much flesh!” A large part of Charles life was spent in war not only to defend the boarders of his Empire, but also wars of expansion in the New World, Europe, and Africa. There was also wars to stamp out heretics to the Catholic faith, many being true believers in Christ and the word of God. Charles is a man that devoured much flesh. “His dominion was taken away yet his life was prolonged a season and time.”  In his own words he said “While my health enabled me to preform my duty, I cheerfully bore the burden; but as my constitution is now broken by incurable distemper, and my infirmities admonish me to retire….” He abdicated his Spanish Empire to his son Philip in October of 1555. He died in September of 1558. Charles is buried at the El Escorial outside of Madrid Spain. The El Escorial was built by his son Philip and was patterned after Solomon’s temple. Built near Madrid Spain and in the providence of Madrid under a flag featuring seven white stars against a red background. The seven stars stand for the stars in the constellation Ursa Minor. In Latin “Ursa” means “bear”.

  The third beast is depicted as a leopard with four wings of a fowl and four heads, dominion was given to it.

The 1700’s was a time of turmoil for France. The people, desiring more independence and the end of absolute monarchy, rose up in riots and revolution. War broke out with neighboring nations that supported Frances Monarchy.  Out of this turmoil came one of the greatest leaders and statesmen France has ever known Napoleon Bonaparte, the third beast.

Born in 1769 and trained at a military academy Napoleon became a general in the French army at the age of 24. His military skill quickly showed through as he took the weak and poorly equipped army and turned it into a force that defeated the anti-French alliance in the Italian states and Austria.

In 1798 in an effort to weaken the British fleet by cutting off their trade, Napoleon occupied Egypt. The British fleet attacked and defeated the France fleet near Alexandria. Than in 1799 the Islamic Muslim Ottoman Empire declared war on France. Napoleon quickly mobilized and invaded Syria (which included what was the land of Israel). He captured Gaza but was stopped at Acre by Turkish troops under British command. Back in France a second Coalition of Nations was organized against France. With French control over conquered states slipping, Napoleon returned to France.

In France Napoleon was quite popular. Aided by his troops and two of his fellow plotters, seized power and became First Consul.

The government that Napoleon set up had the outward form of a republic, but Napoleon was the real power. His work as a statesman was as remarkable as his military victories. He drew up a code of law, set up schools and universities, ended conflict with the Catholic Church, and established a privately owned banking system.

With the government stabilized came the restoration of French supremacy abroad. Napoleon soon defeated the Austrians in Italy and ended war with Britain.

In 1804 Napoleon was named Emperor, Napoleon I. Believing family ties were more durable than treaties, he placed family members on the throne of satellite states. His brothers Joseph, Lewis, and Jerome became the Kings of Spain, Holland and Westphalia and his sister Caroline became Queen of Naples.

Napoleons obsessions to subdue Britain and to expand the French Empire and the distrust neighboring nations had against the ambitions of Napoleon lead to a 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th coalition of nations against the armies of Napoleon over the next ten years. A series of victories and defeats followed. Finally, hopelessly outnumbered, France and Paris fell and Napoleon was forced to abdicate the throne on April 6, 1814.

Exiled on the island of Elba, Napoleon again raised up an army of followers. Being supported by the majority of the peoples of France he entered Paris in triumph. He announced that France gave up all claims to former conquered territories hoping that this would keep the allied nations from opposing his return. It didn’t and the combined armies of the allies, and the French army met at Waterloo on June 18th, 1815.The French were badly defeated and Napoleon was sent to live under constant guard on the island of St. Helena. There he died  in 1821.

 Dan 7:6

"After this I looked, and there was another, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird. The beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it.    NKJV

  “like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird. The wings speak of the swiftness this beast will have. This is the very thing that made Napoleon so successful in his military campaigns. His strategy was to quickly mobilize and strike at his opponents before they were able to organize an offensive. This is the four wings. “The beast also had four heads,” In Revelation 17, the seven heads represented seven kings. The four heads of this beast also represent kings. Napoleon, after becoming Emperor placed three of his brothers and his brother in law on the thrones of four different kingdoms he ruled over. This is the four heads. “and dominion was given to it.” Napoleon controlled nearly all of western and central Europe ether by conquest or alliance and for a time seemed unconquerable. This was his dominion. “He had his dominion taken away yet his life was prolonged for a season and a time. Napoleon was exiled to the island of Saint Helena, were he died six years later. As for this beast representing a leopard, the name Napoleon means- lion of the desert.

 The fourth beast of Daniel:

 Dan 7:7-9

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.    NKJV

  This fourth beast. Exceedingly strong. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. This fourth beast as in the beast of Revelation thirteen is a composite of the beasts before it…




 The Fourth beast made up from Great Briton, Spain, France…

                The United States of America. Not only included in bible prophecy but is the prominent subject of end time events’

1.      The eastern U. S. first controlled by Great Briton. The thirteen colonies, later the N.W. Territory

2.      Florida was in possession of Spain. The Southwest by Mexico witch came from Spain.

3.      Central U.S. purchased from France with the Louisiana Purchase.