The hijack of Words

The Hijack of words:

(Truth is not a left-wing value!!)

 North Korea, April 11th, 2024: By Timothy H.J. Nerozzi Fox News

Kim Jong Un promises 'death blow' to potential enemies,

Ignores Biden's request for cooperation

According to Yonhap News Agency, which reported that the leader was poised to make a "death blow" to enemies.

"[Kim Jong Un] said that now is the time to be more thoroughly prepared for a war than ever before and that the DPRK should be more firmly and perfectly prepared for a war, which should be won without fail, not just for a possible war,"


"DPRK" stands for "Democratic People's Republic of Korea," the country's official name.

Democratic People’s Republic of Kerea? Talk about the hijack of word meanings...


U.S. Democrat Examples of Hijack Word Meanings:

1. Prochoice………………Freedom to kill the unborn

2. Invest…………………...Spend taxpayers’ money

3. Secure borders……….... Processing illegal entry 

4. Crime down……………Police defunded, less response

5. Equity…………………..Redistribution of wealth

6. Equity…………………..Lower admission standards

7. Fair Wages……………...Government control

8. Democratic Socialism…..Socialism

9. Diversity………………...Sabotage of the military

10. Far right………………...Includes Christian patriots

11. Haters………………..…Those standing for morality

12. Election interference……Showing ID.

13. Republicans are racist…...Republicans ended slavery in U.S.


Bible prophecies


The Coming World leader